A note from the Executive Director
Beyond Our Door Global is best described through stories and faces. Like the story and the face of the little girl I am holding in this photo. Her name is Sterline and she was a special needs child who was abandoned at birth.
Our amazing partners (Pastor Diogene and Lionette Pierre) took Sterline in, gave her a home, a family, and a love that changed her life! For nearly 4 years she lived at the special needs home we support in Haiti.
Just three months before Sterline went to be with Jesus, I was in Haiti and had the chance to hold Sterline. I happened to have a few other people with me, and they decided to give each child at the home a framed photo of themselves. To see what Sterline experienced when her name was called, watch this 30 second video.
All through the Bible we see that God is always on the side of those who have no one else on their side. God is always on the side of the overlooked ones, the helpless ones, and the suffering ones. Beyond Our Door Global has chosen to join God in the mission of offering hope to the most vulnerable. The most vulnerable like Sterline.
In her short life, we did all that we could to help Sterline experience just a taste of what she is now experiencing with Jesus. We can’t change the world…but we changed her world!
Would you consider joining us in offering hope to the most vulnerable in Kenya, Uganda, and Haiti? If you have any questions or would like to know more about Beyond Our Door Global, please send me an email…I would love for you to be a part of the next story!
Al Schuck
Executive Director
Beyond Our Door Global